I'm Ravi. I'm the founder and creator of Amna.

I hate organizing information because I can't decide where things go, and when I need to take action, I can't find them again.

So I built Amna. Everything in Amna is a task.

Order Batteries

that's a task

Make Trip Plan

that's a task

Call my Friend

that's a task

If I asked you what you're doing, and you're actively doing something. That's a task.

Organization is hard because we always try to classify information into buckets.

For example, I might make a folder called Meeting Notes and start dumping my notes in there. Over time it becomes a growing mess. Hard to retrieve things. Bookmarks are no different.

Classifying feels good, but it's an extra cognitive step, and can easily get out of hand.

You end up with three 'IT Projects' folders, in three different places. And worse, multiple copies of the same document in different places, all slightly different. -HN Reader

In Amna, we made everything a task, as long as we know what we are we working on, we already know where it goes!

This unlocks a few things

  • Incentive - In a to-do list, you're goal is drive to zero, so as long as you complete things, you're already organized.
  • Focus - Information everywhere is distrating, with tasks, unused items disappear naturally letting you look at one thing at a time
  • Context Switch - since you organize things by "what you are working on", rather than arbritrary collections, simply picking the next thing you want to work on puts you in the flow.

In Amna, it's less about organizing information, and more about execution. If you know your task, you know where things live. So start working on a task.

You should try it for a week and let me know what you think! Drop a message on Twitter